Thursday, 14 January 2016

How do I: Develop an Extension

You can build extension packages that add functionality to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV deployment.

For Overview, please see my earlier posts Introducing Extensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Like any common functionality you want to roll out to different locations of a same company maintaining Object Set Globally for their Navision deployment.

You can perform conventional Export object and send to different locations, where they import these objects in their databases. Another option is through Extensions. Specially very helpful in Tenant model deployment.

But do the limitations apply as we discussed in my earlier post:

[A] Which Object types you can Include & Restrictions applicable to C/AL code in Extension Packages

[B] Which Properties are Restricted in Extension Packages

Unlike the familiar development and deployment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV functionality, building an extension relies on the exported version of an application to .TXT files.

You can export the application from the development environment, use the development environment commands, or use the Windows PowerShell cmdlet that is available in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Development Shell,

MS recommend that you create a folder structure that can be leveraged by the cmdlets that you use when you build the extension package. That structure should contain folders for the ORIGINAL object files, MODIFIED object files, and DELTA files. These names match those used as parameters in the application merge utilities.

Recall from my earlier post where we deled with Upgrading the Application Code in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

We used folder structure for placing the objects before we performed action:
“In my example, the UpgradeDemo folder on the C drive contains five folders: ORIGINAL, MODIFIED, TARGET, DELTA, and RESULT. The DELTA and RESULT folders are empty. The ORIGINAL, MODIFIED, and TARGET folders contains one or more text files that contain application objects.”

Similar structure we will be using for creating package. You can follow same for easy reference or you can use your convenient naming convention and structure.

I will come back on this in my future post, what exactly structure I will be using for my walkthrough on Extension.

You can refer to cmdlets we discussed earlier for upgrade and extensions which will be used in rest of the parts of this and upcoming posts while dealing with Extensions.

[A] Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016

[B] Few Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016 – Part 2

[C] Useful Windows PowerShell cmdlets for managing Extensions in Dynamics Navision 2016


5 Steps To create an extension

  1. Establish the BASE as TXT files.

  • The foundation for your extension is the exported .txt files of the objects you are modifying.

  • You can export just the objects that you want to modify, or you can export the entire Microsoft Dynamics NAV application.

  • In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Development Shell, the Export-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet can automate this process or you can use the export functionality in the development environment.

  • The following example uses this cmdlet to export objects to establish the base for the planned modifications.

Export-NAVApplicationObject -Path ORIGINAL -DatabaseName MyDatabase -DatabaseServer MyDatabaseServer

  • Objects must be exported as .TXT files. You cannot build an extension based on a .FOB file.

  • If you use a source control system, you may want to pull the base .TXT files from there.

  1. Create functionality in the development environment.

  • Use the development environment as usual to create new objects or modify ones to the extent your license allows you.

  • Also don’t forget to reference limitations with Extensions Property and Objects which you can include in Extensions, see above provided link for more details.

  • Keep in mind the following rules as discussed earlier:

  • DO NOT make C/AL code modifications

  • DO use subscribing to events to execute code.

  • DO NOT create new or modified XMLPorts, Queries, or Report.

  • DO NOT change restricted page and table properties.

  • In order to get an easy upgrade experience for your extensions, you cannot modify code the way you do in the traditional customization process.

  • Instead, you extend Microsoft Dynamics NAV functionality by subscribing to programming events that are raised either explicitly in code, or implicitly by the platform.

  • Test your application with the extension added.

  1. Export your changed and added application objects to .TXT files.

  • Export all objects that you added or modified to .TXT files.

  • Use the same export cmdlet from step 1 or manually export within the development environment.

  • They must also be exported as .TXT files and should be placed in a separate directory so that the packaging process can be pointed at them.

Export-NAVApplicationObject -Path MODIFIED -DatabaseName MyDatabase -DatabaseServer MyDatabaseServer

  1. Create DELTA files using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Development Shell cmdlets.

  • Extension packages are based on application object deltas. Again, you use the application merge utilities in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Development Shell to distil the changes in the form of application object differences that are stored in DELTA files.

  • Creating an extension uses many of the same concepts and tools as you know from application object deltas. You use the Compare-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet to create these delta files.

Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath ORIGINAL -ModifiedPath MODIFIED -DeltaPath DELTA

Your delta files must be one-to-one with the objects you have added or modified. You cannot include a single merged delta file. If you output your export file as a single file use the Split-NAVAppplicationObjectFile cmdlet to create the individual files.

  1. Build the extension package.


I will come up with more details in my upcoming posts on this topic.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Useful Windows PowerShell cmdlets for managing Extensions in Dynamics Navision 2016

Today I will list few cmdlets which will help you getting your task done while working with Extensions.

For Overview of Extensions, please see my earlier posts

Introducing Extensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Which Object types you can Include & Restrictions applicable to C/AL code in Extension Packages

Which Properties are Restricted in Extension Packages

Just a quick reference you can study in details using links of MSDN below every cmdlet.


To get Help about syntax and options for a specific cmdlet, type the following cmdlet.
Syntax: Get-Help <cmd name>



The Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.psd1 module includes a function, Export-NAVApplicationObject, which runs the ExportObjects command. This means that you can run a command such as the following:

–DatabaseServer MyServer

–DatabaseName “Demo Database NAV (7-1)”

–Path C:\UserData\MyPackage\ORIGINAL\MyObjects.txt



Exports captions from the specified text files with Microsoft Dynamics NAV application objects. The captions are exported to text files.



[-Source] <String[]>

[-Destination] <String>

[[-LanguageId] <String[]> ]

[-DevelopmentLanguageId <String> ]

[-Encoding <FileEncoding> ] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

The resulting text files are similar to the multilanguage files that you can export in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. If your source files contain more than one language, you can choose to export one language, multiple languages, or all languages


PS C:\> Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage

–Source .\ORIGINAL\ -LanguageId "DEU","FRA"

-Destination .\RESULT\languages.txt

Click here for more details on MSDN


Exports the specified permission set from a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database to a file.



[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Path <String> -PermissionSetId <String[]>

[-Force] [-PassThru] [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Export-NAVAppPermissionSet

-ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Path '.\PermissionSet.xml'

-PermissionSetId SUPER


This example exports the permission set with the ID "SUPER" in the database that is used by the DynamicsNAV90 server instance to the PermissionSet.xml file.

Click here for more details on MSDN



Splits a text file that contains two or more application objects into separate text files for each application object.


[-Source] <String>

[[-Destination] <String> ]

[-Force] [-PassThru] [-PreserveFormatting] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


The Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile cmdlet can copy each application object to a new file, or it can recreate the object in the new file.

The default setting is to recreate the object, but you can change this by setting the PreserveFormatting parameter.

PS C:\> Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source C:\UserData\MyPackage\ORIGINAL\All.txt -Destination C:\UserData\MyPackage\ORIGINAL\TXT\ -PreserveFormatting


Click here for more details on MSDN



Compares text files with Microsoft Dynamics NAV application objects and then calculates the delta between the two versions. The result of the comparison is a number of text files with the calculated delta.

The Compare-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet compares the text files in the two specified folders and creates .delta files that describe the difference between the two versions

The cmdlet creates a text file for each application object that is different between the two versions.


[-OriginalPath] <String[]>

[-ModifiedPath] <String[]>

[-DeltaPath] <String>

[-Confirm] [-Force] [-Legacy] [-NoCodeCompression] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Compare-NAVApplicationObject

–OriginalPath C:\UserData\MyPackage\ORIGINAL\*.txt

-ModifiedPath C:\ UserData\MyPackage \MODIFIED\*.txt

-DeltaPath C:\ UserData\MyPackage \DELTA


Below example compares the text files in the MODIFIED folder to the baseline in the ORIGINAL folder. The result of the comparison is put into the DELTA folder and also piped to the Update-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet, which applies the updates.
PS C:\> Compare-NAVApplicationObject

-OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt

-DeltaPath .\DELTA -Force

-PassThru |   Update-NAVApplicationObject

-TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt

-ResultPath .\RESULT –Force

Click here for more details on MSDN



Compares the changes that have been made to application objects between two versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and applies the difference to a third set of application objects.



[-OriginalPath] <String[]>

[-ModifiedPath] <String[]>

[-TargetPath] <String[]>

[-ResultPath] <String>

[-DateTimeProperty <DateTimePropertyAction> ] [-DisableCommentOut] [-DocumentationConflict <DocumentationConflictAction> ] [-Force] [-Legacy] [-ModifiedProperty <ModifiedPropertyAction> ] [-PassThru] [-Strict] [-VersionListProperty <VersionListPropertyAction> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


You specify an original version and compare that to a latest version.

The difference is then applied to the target version.

The result of the merge is a number of text files with the merged application objects.

Any conflicts that the cmdlet cannot merge are identified in conflict files.

PS C:\> Merge-NAVApplicationObject

-OriginalPath C:\UserData\MyPackage \ ORIGINAL\*.TXT

-TargetPath C:\ UserData\MyPackage \TARGET \*.TXT

-ModifiedPath C:\ UserData\MyPackage \MODIFIED \*.TXT

-ResultPath C:\ UserData\MyPackage \RESULT\


Click here for more details on MSDN



Imports strings in the specified language into text files that contain Microsoft Dynamics NAV application objects.



[-Source] <String[]>

[-LanguagePath] <String[]>

[-Destination] <String>

[[-LanguageId] <String[]> ]

[-Encoding <FileEncoding> ] [-Force] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Import-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage

–Source .\TAB18.TXT

-LanguageId "CHS"

-LanguagePath .\ALL-CHS.TXT

-Destination .\RESULT\

This command will import the CHS language into the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application object that is specified in the –Source parameter, TAB18.txt. The strings are imported from the text files in the ALL-CHS.txt file, and the result of the command is a text file in the RESULT folder, TAB18.txt, that includes captions in Chinese.

Click here for more details on MSDN



Gets information about a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension based on the specified package file or the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.


  • Get-NAVAppInfo -Path <String> [ <CommonParameters>]

  • Get-NAVAppInfo [-ServerInstance] <String> [-CompatibilityId <Version> ] [-Id <Guid> ] [-Name <String> ] [-Publisher <String> ] [-Version <Version> ] [ <CommonParameters>]

  • Get-NAVAppInfo [-ServerInstance] <String> -Tenant <String> [ <CommonParameters>]



To see Microsoft Dynamics NAV extensions that are published to the DynamicsNAV90 server instance use below command.
PS C:\>Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90


This command will return information about all Microsoft Dynamics NAV extensions that are published to the DynamicsNAV90 server instance by Ashwini.
PS C:\>Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Publisher 'Ashwini'


You will see output similar to shown below



Below command returns information about the extension with the specified name and version on the DynamicsNAV90 server instance.
PS C:\>Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Name 'EDD1.01' -Version


This command will return information about all Microsoft Dynamics NAV extensions that are installed for the tenant with the ID Tenant1 on the DynamicsNAV90 server instance.
PS C:\>Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Tenant 'Tenant1'


This command will return information about all Microsoft Dynamics NAV extensions that are installed on a non-multitenant Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.
PS C:\>Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Tenant default

You will see output similar to shown below

DescriptionSecond Extension by Ashwini
Compatibility Id1.0.0.00


Click here for more details on MSDN


Gets Microsoft Dynamics NAV application object properties from the specified application object text files.


Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty [-Source] <String[]> [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\SOURCE\COD1.txt

Click here for more details on MSDN



Sets Microsoft Dynamics NAV application object properties in the specified application object text files.


[-TargetPath] <String[]>

[-DateTimeProperty <String> ]

[-ModifiedProperty <SetModifiedPropertyAction> ]

[-VersionListProperty <String> ]

[-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


You can use the Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty cmdlet to extract information about the application objects before you change them.

PS C:\> Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -TargetPath C:\UserData\MyPackage\RESULT\FinalObjects.txt -VersionListProperty " EDD1.02" - ModifiedProperty No -DateTimeProperty (Get-Date -Format g)

Click here for more details on MSDN



Applies a set of deltas to the specified application objects. The files that describe the delta are generated by the Compare-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet.

Optionally, you can use the Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty cmdlet to change the version or other properties. Then, you use Update-NAVApplicationObject cmdlet to apply the delta to target files.


[-TargetPath] <String[]>

[-DeltaPath] <String[]>

[-ResultPath] <String>

[-DateTimeProperty <DateTimePropertyAction> ]


[-DocumentationConflict <DocumentationConflictAction> ]

[-ModifiedProperty <ModifiedPropertyAction> ]

[-VersionListProperty <VersionListPropertyAction> ]

[-Force] [-Legacy] [-PassThru] [-Strict] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Update-NAVApplicationObject -TargetPath C:\UserData\MyPackage \TARGET\*.txt -DeltaPath C:\UserData\MyPackage \DELTA\*.txt –ResultPath C:\UserData\MyPackage \RESULT\


Click here for more details on MSDN



Loads a manifest for a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension from an external source , such as an .xml file.


Get-NAVAppManifest [-Path] <String> [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Get-NAVAppManifest -Path '.\Manifest-EDD1_02.xml'

You will see output similar to shown below

AppDescriptionSecond Extension by Ashwini


Below command gets a manifest from an XML manifest file and then passes the manifest to the New-NAVAppPackage cmdlet to create a new extension package.
PS C:\> Get-NAVAppManifest

-Path '.\Manifest-Proseware SmartStuff.xml' | New-NAVAppPackage

-Path ' C:\UserData\MyPackage\Manifest\EDD1.02.navx'

-SourcePath ‘C:\UserData\MyPackage \NavExtensionFiles’

Click here for more details on MSDN



Sets one or more available properties on an in-memory manifest for a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension.

You can then write the updated manifest object to disk by using the New-NAVAppManifestFile cmdlet. The manifest is required when you create the extension package file (.navx) using the New-NAVAppPackage cmdlet.


[-Manifest] <NavAppManifest>

[-CompatibilityId <Version> ]

[-Dependencies <String[]> ]

[-Description <String> ]

[-Id <Guid> ]

[-Name <String> ]

[-Prerequisites <String[]> ]

[-Publisher <String> ]

[-Version <Version> ]

[ <CommonParameters>]

PS C:\> Get-NAVAppManifest -Path ' C:\UserData\MyPackage\MANIFEST\Manifest-EDD1_02.xml' | Set-NavAppManifest -Version -CompatibilityId | New-NavAppManifestFile -Path " C:\UserData\MyPackage\MANIFEST\Manifest-EDD1_02.xml" -Force

Gets a manifest from file, sets the version property and then saves the updated manifest back to file. By setting the Force parameter, the existing file is overwritten.

Click here for more details on MSDN



Creates a new in-memory manifest object with the specified metadata for a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension.


[-Name] <String>

[-Publisher] <String>

[[-Id] <Guid> ]

[[-Description] <String> ]

[[-Version] <Version> ]

[[-CompatibilityId] <Version> ]

[-Dependencies <String[]> ]

[-Prerequisites <String[]> ]

[ <CommonParameters>]


The manifest is required when creating the Extension package file (.navx) using the New-NAVAppPackage cmdlet.

The manifest property values can be changed using the Set-NAVAppManifest cmdlet.

PS C:\>New-NavAppManifest

-Name " EDD1.02"

-Publisher " Ashwini "

-Description " Second Extension by Ashwini "

-Version ""

-CompatibilityId ""

-Id 3c88160c-e0eb-4fe1-b4f6-011e45d74b10

-Dependencies C:\UserData\MyPackage\APPLICATION\EDD1.01.navx

-Prerequisites Table=18, CodeUnit=80




AppDescriptionSecond Extension by Ashwini
Prerequisites{Table=18, CodeUnit=80}
Dependencies{EDD1.01, Ashwini,}


Click here for more details on MSDN


Creates a file with metadata for a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension package.


[-Path] <String>

[-Manifest] <NavAppManifest>

[-Force] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


Below command will create information in-memory manifest and then writes it to disk.

Because the example sets the Force parameter, the file will be overwritten if it already exists.
 PS C:\> New-NavAppManifest  -Name "EDD1.02"  -Publisher "Ashwini"  -Description " Second Extension by Ashwini" | New-NavAppManifestFile -Path " C:\UserData\MyPackage\ MANIFEST \Manifest-EDD1_02.xml" -Force

Click here for more details on MSDN



Creates a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension package file (.navx) at the specified location based on the specified manifest file and source files.


[-Path] <String>

[-Manifest] <NavAppManifest>

[-SourcePath] <String[]>

[-Force] [-PassThru] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]


You can then use the package file to deploy the extension to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.


PS C:\> New-NavAppManifest -Name ' EDD1.02' -Publisher 'Ashwini' -Version | New-NAVAppPackage -Path ' C:\UserData\MyPackage\APPLICATION\EDD1.02.navx' -SourcePath ' C:\UserData\MyPackage\MyExtensionFiles'

Click here for more details on MSDN



Publishes a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension to the app catalog of the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

When the extension has been published, you can install it for individual tenants.



[-ServerInstance] <String>

[-Path] <String>

[[-PassThru]] [[-LogPath] <String> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]



PS C:\> Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Path ' C:\UserData\MyPackage \NAVAPP\EDD1_02.navx'

Publishes the Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension from the EDD1_02.navx package to the DynamicsNAV90 server instance.

Click here for more details on MSDN



Unpublishes a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension from the app catalog of the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

The extension cannot be unpublished if it is currently installed for a tenant of the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.



[-ServerInstance] <String>

[-Path] <String>

[-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]



[-ServerInstance] <String>

[-Name] <String>

[[-Publisher] <String> ]

[[-Version] <Version> ]

[-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Click here for more details on MSDN



Installs a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension for a tenant in the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV deployment.


[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Path <String>

[-Tenant <TenantId> ]


[-Force] [-PassThru] [ <CommonParameters>]



[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Name <String>

[-Publisher <String> ]

[-Tenant <TenantId> ]

[-Version <Version> ]


[-Force] [-PassThru] [ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Install-NAVApp -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Name 'EDD1.02' -Version -Tenant 'MyTenant'


Click here for more details on MSDN



Uninstalls a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension for the specified tenant.

If other extensions have a dependency on the specified extension, you must specify if they must also be uninstalled. Set the Force parameter to automatically remove dependent extensions.


[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Path <String>

[-Tenant <TenantId> ]

[-DoNotSaveData] [-Force] [-PassThru] [ <CommonParameters>]



[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Name <String>

[-Publisher <String> ]

[-Tenant <TenantId> ]

[-Version <Version> ]


[-Force] [-PassThru] [ <CommonParameters>]



PS C:\> Uninstall-NAVApp

-ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90

-Name ''EDD1.02'



Click here for more details on MSDN



Gets a list of tenants where the specified Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension is installed.

You can specify the extension by name, publisher, or version.

You can use the returned list of tenants to apply general changes, such as uninstalling the extension for all tenants that currently have it installed.



[-ServerInstance] <String>

-Path <String>

[ <CommonParameters>]



[-ServerInstance] <String>

[-Name <String> ]

[-Publisher <String> ]

[-Version <Version> ]

[ <CommonParameters>]


PS C:\> Get-NavAppTenant -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Name 'EDD1.02' -Version | Uninstall-NAVApp -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 -Name 'EDD1.02' -Version

Click here for more details on MSDN



Repairs a Microsoft Dynamics NAV extension by recompiling it against the current base application.

It is recommend that you restart the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance after running the repair.


[-ServerInstance] <String>

[-Name] <String>

[[-Publisher] <String> ]

[[-Version] <Version> ]

[ <CommonParameters>]



PS C:\> Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance DynamicsNAV90 | Repair-NAVApp

Click here for more details on MSDN



Cumulative Update 3 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 has been released -By Dynamics NAV Team

Cumulative Update 3 includes all application and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.

For more details see below link :

Cumulative Update 15 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 has been released- By Dynamics NAV Team

Cumulative Update 15 includes all application and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.

For more details see below link :

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Monday, 4 January 2016

Which Properties are Restricted in Extension Packages

For Overview, please see my earlier posts

Introducing Extensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Which Object types you can Include & Restrictions applicable to C/AL code in Extension Packages

Restricted Properties on Existing Page Modifications

You cannot change the values for the following properties for existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV pages in an extension.

  • AccessByPermission

  • AssistEdit

  • AutoSplitKey

  • CardPageID

  • CharAllowed

  • ContainerType

  • ControlAddIn

  • Data Type

  • DataLength

  • DateFormula

  • DelayedInsert

  • DeleteAllowed

  • DrillDown

  • DrillDownPageID

  • Editable

  • ExtendedDatatype

  • FieldClass

  • GroupType

  • ID

  • InsertAllowed

  • LinkedObject

  • Lookup

  • LookupPageID

  • MaxValue

  • MinValue

  • ModifyAllowed

  • MultipleNewLines

  • Name

  • NotBlank

  • Numeric

  • PageType

  • PartType

  • PasteIsValid

  • Permissions

  • PopulateAllFields

  • RefreshOnActivate

  • SourceExpr

  • SourceTable

  • SourceTableTemporary

  • SourceTableView

  • SubType

  • SystemPartID

  • TableRelation

  • TableType

  • TestTableRelation

  • ValidateTableRelation

  • ValuesAllowed

Most of these are typically not properties changed through customization as they can have a negative effect on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV deployment.



Restricted Properties on Existing Table Modifications

You cannot change the values for the following properties for existing tables and fields in an extension.

Table Properties Field Properties

  • Name

  • DataPerCompany

  • Permissions

  • LookupPageID

  • DrillDownPageID

  • PasteIsValid

  • LinkedObject

  • TableType

  • Name

  • AccessByPermission

  • Compressed

  • Data Type

  • DataLength

  • DateFormula

  • ExtendedDataType

  • FieldClass

  • MaxValue

  • MinValue

  • NotBlank

  • Numeric

  • Owner

  • SQL Data Type

  • SubType (BLOB)

  • TableIDExpr

  • TableRelation

  • TestTableRelation

  • ValidateTableRelation

  • ValuesAllowed Width

You can add table keys, but you cannot delete or modify existing keys.

You can add fields to a table group, but you cannot remove fields or groups.

Which Object types you can Include & Restrictions applicable to C/AL code in Extension Packages

For Overview, please see my earlier post Introducing Extensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

When you create extension package you can include new as well as modified objects.

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, these object types can be added and included in an extension:

  • Pages

  • Tables

  • MenuSuites

  • Codeunits

You can modify these existing object types as permitted by your license:

  • Pages

  • Tables

  • Action Items

You will not be able to add or modify any other object types in this version.

You are not allowed to delete any existing objects.

You will also need to be sure not to modify any existing C/AL code, including code in codeunits and in triggers on existing objects.

In case you want to modify existing code, use the new C/AL eventing model.

To know more about Events see by earlier posts:

  1. Events in C/AL Navision 2016

  2. Implementing Events in Navision 2016

This restriction is only on existing code and objects. However New pages, tables, and so on, can contain C/AL code as it is considered part of the new object.