Tuesday 6 October 2015

Changes in C/AL Behaviour C/AL Functions in Nav 2016

The following table lists the summary of new, removed, or changed functions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.

Will come with more details in my later posts.

Function Description
ADDFIELD FunctionNew function.

Adds a table field to the filter control for a table on filter page.
ADDFIELDNO FunctionNew function.

Adds a table field to the filter control for a table as specified by the field number.
ADDRECORD FunctionNew function.

Adds a filter control for a table to a filter page as specified by a record data type variable.
ADDRECORDREF FunctionNew function.

Adds filter control for a table to a filter page as specified by a RecordRef variable.
ADDTABLE FunctionNew function.

Adds filter control for a table to a filter page.
BINDSUBSCRIPTION FunctionNew function.

Binds event subscribers to the subscriber codeunit instance for handling events.

Unbinds event subscribers from the subscriber codeunit instance for handling events.
COUNT Function (FilterPageBuilder)New function.

Gets the number of filter controls that are specified in the FilterPageBuilder object instance.

Includes a Boolean return value. The value is true if an encryption key is created successfully; otherwise, it is false.
CURRENTCLIENTTYPE FunctionNew function.

Gets the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client type that is running on the current session.
CURRENTCOMPANY Function (Record)New function.

Gets the current company of a database table record.
CURRENTCOMPANY Function (RecordRef)New function.

Gets the current company of a database table that is referred to by a RecordRef.
DEFAULTCLIENTTYPE FunctionNew function.

Gets the default Microsoft Dynamics NAV client type that is configured for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that is used for the current session.
GETASCENDING Function (Record)Gets the sort order for the records returned, such as in data from an ODATA web service.
GETURL FunctionChanged function. Includes the following changes:

  • Accepts CURRENTCLIENTTYPE and DEFAULTCLIENTTYPE as ClientType parameter.

  • Supports RecordRef variable data type as a parameter to specify the record to open.

  • Includes a Boolean parameter to include filters that are setup on the object in URL.

GETVIEW function (FilterPageBuilder)New function.

Gets the filter view (which defines the sort order, key, and filters) for the record in the specified filter control of a filter page.

Includes a Boolean return value. The value is true if an encryption key is imported successfully; otherwise, it is false.
ISFILTERPAGEBUILDER Function (Variant)New function.

Indicates whether a C/AL variant contains a FilterPageBuilder variable.
ISTEMPORARY Function (Record)New function.

Determines whether a record refers to a temporary table.
NAME Function (FilterPageBuilder)New function.

Gets the name of a table filter control that is included on a filter page based on an index number that is assigned to the filter control.
RECORDID (Record)New function.

Gets the RecordID of the record that is currently selected in the table.
RUNMODAL Function (FilterPageBuilder)New function.

Builds and runs the filter page.
SETASCENDING Function (Record)Sets the sort order for the records returned, such as in data from a ODATA web service.
SETVIEW FunctionNew function.

Sets the current filter view, which defines the sort order, key, and filters, for a record in a filter control on a filter page.
GETDEFAULTTABLECONNECTION Function (Database), HASTABLECONNECTION Function (Database), REGISTERTABLECONNECTION Function (Database), SETDEFAULTTABLECONNECTION Function (Database), and UNREGISTERTABLECONNECTION Function (Database)New functions. Registers, sets, gets, and unregister table connections to external tables.

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