Below are the details new features and functionality that are available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 and have been added to the product since Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.
Will come up with detail later in my future posts.
The following features and functionality for application users have been introduced since Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015.
You can set up and use workflows that connect business-process tasks performed by different users. System tasks, such as automatic posting, can be included as steps in workflows, preceded or followed by user tasks. Requesting and granting approval to create new records are typical workflow steps.
Imp Note
The Document Approvals feature that existed in the previous version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV is removed. The standard approvals scenarios that were supported in the previous version are now supported as workflows for sales approvals and purchase approvals respectively.
The upgrade tool will recreate document approval data in previous versions as workflow data in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.
Electronic Documents
As an alternative to e-mailing as file attachments, you can send and receive business documents electronically.
From PDF or image files representing incoming documents, you can have an external OCR service (Optical Character Recognition) create electronic documents that you can then convert to document records in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, like for electronic PEPPOL documents.
For example, when you receive an invoice in PDF format from your vendor, you can send it to the OCR service from the Incoming Documents window. After a few seconds, you receive the file back as an electronic invoice that can be converted to a purchase invoice for the vendor.
If you send the file to the OCR service by e-mail, then a new incoming document record is automatically created when you receive the electronic document back.
Incoming Documents
In the Incoming Documents window, you use different functions to review information, manage OCR tasks, and convert incoming documents to the relevant purchase and sales documents or journal lines in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
The external files can be attached to their related document in Microsoft Dynamics NAV at any process stage, including to posted documents and to the resulting vendor, customer, or general ledger entries.
Document Sending Profiles
You can set each customer up with a preferred method of sending sales documents, so that you do not have to select a sending option every time that you choose the Post and Send button.
In the Document Sending Profile window for a sending profile, you can select the Default check box to specify that the document sending profile is the default profile for all customers, except for customers where the Document Sending Profile field is filled with another sending profile.
Posting Preview
On every document and journal that can be posted, you can choose the Preview Posting button to review the different types of entries that will be created when you post the document or journal.
Revenues for services or goods delivered over multiple accounting periods are not necessarily recognized in the accounting period in which the sales document is posted and payment is received. To distribute revenues on the involved accounting periods, you can set up a deferral template for the resource, item, or G/L account that the revenues will be posted for. When you post the related sales document, the revenues are deferred to the involved accounting periods, according to a deferral schedule that is governed by settings in the deferral template and the posting date.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Integration
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 introduces a new and improved integration with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Hiding/Showing Columns on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client
With Microsoft Dynamics NAV it is possible to hide and show columns on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client, in the same way as on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.
Freeze Pane
Microsoft Dynamics NAV now supports freeze panes on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client.
Improvements on Lookups in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
With this release the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client offers an inline lookup experience on fields as well as the ability to do cross column search as you type in the lookup and selecting data in the lookup using the keyboard.
Microsoft Social Engagement
Microsoft Dynamics NAV integrates with Microsoft Social Engagement and can be made available on customers, vendors, and items.
Cross Column Search on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client it is now possible to search across columns in a list. This search is activated by choosing the Search icon, and entering the search criteria. The search offers filter-as-you-type functionality, and will look for records that contain the search criteria. Symbols can also be used in the search criteria, and the search criteria are then interpreted exactly as you entered it.
Navigation Pane and Cues
Previously the navigation pane contained list places that were auto generated based on the available cues in the Role Center. These list places no longer get auto generated by default. Only if there is a relevant entity in the navigation pane, a list place will be created.
Entering Dates in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client you can now use the date lookup functionality on lists instead of typing dates in manually.
Control Add-ins on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Phone client
On Microsoft Dynamics NAV Phone client you tap on control add-ins to zoom
Selecting Company, Language, Region, Time Zone and Work Date in Mobile Clients
With the new My Settings page, it is now possible to dynamically switch the UI language, region, time zone, company, and work date of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client, and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Phone client.
Multiple Selection of Lines in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client
You select multiple lines in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client by activating the context menu on a line, and then choosing Select More. When you choose Select More, a checkbox for selecting all rows is placed right above all the rows.
Updating and Testing Multiple Custom Report Layouts
Instead of updating custom report layouts to dataset changes one layout at a time, you can now perform an update of all custom layouts at once.
You also have the option to test updates without applying the required changes to the custom report layouts. This enables you to see what changes will be applied to the report layout and identify possible issues in the process.
[…] Below are the details new features and functionality that are available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 and have been added to the product since Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Will come up with detail later in my future posts. The following features and functionality for application users have been introduced since Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015. Workflow… More What’s New: Application Changes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 […]