Friday, 30 October 2015

Design Overview of Dimension handling in Navision 2016

Hold on,

Way of handling Dimension have changed from Navision 2009 not a new concept. Till now everyone is aware of this technical change, but still to keep handy reference today I decided to share the same with community, which can help for new comers in this industry.

Detailed technical insight into the concepts and principles that are used to redesign the dimension entry storing and posting feature in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016. Helpful when upgrading from earlier version to 2009.

Dimension Sets

A dimension set is a unique combination of dimension values. It is stored as dimension set entries in the database. Each dimension set entry represents a single dimension value.

The dimension set is identified by a common dimension set ID that is assigned to each dimension set entry that belongs to the dimension set.

Dimension Set Entries

Dimension sets are stored in the Dimension Set Entry table as dimension set entries with the same dimension set ID.

When you add, edit and close the Edit Dimension Set Entries window, a check is performed to see whether the combination of dimension values exists as a dimension set in the table.

If the combination occurs in the table, then the corresponding dimension set ID is assigned to the journal line, document header, or document line.

Otherwise, a new dimension set is added to the table, and the new dimension set ID is assigned to the journal line, document header, or document line.
Performance Improvement
By storing dimension sets once in the database, database space is preserved, and overall performance is improved.

Searching for Dimension Combinations

Building Search Tree
Table 481 Dimension Set Tree Node is used when Microsoft Dynamics NAV evaluates whether a set of dimensions already exists in table 480 Dimension Set Entry table.

The evaluation is performed by recursively traversing the search tree starting at the top level numbered 0.

The top level 0 represents a dimension set with no dimension set entries. The children of this dimension set represent dimension sets with only one dimension set entry.

The children of these dimension sets represent dimension sets with two children, and so on.

Finding Dimension Set ID

At a conceptual level, Parent ID, Dimension, and Dimension Value, in the search tree, are combined and used as the primary key because Microsoft Dynamics NAV traverses the tree in the same order as the dimension entries.

The GET function (record) is used to search for dimension set ID.

DimSet."Parent ID" := 0;  // 'root'



DimSet.GET(DimSet."Parent ID",UserDim.DimCode,UserDim.DimValueCode);

UNTIL UserDim.NEXT = 0;


However, to preserve the ability of Microsoft Dynamics NAV to rename a dimension and dimension value, table 348 Dimension Value is extended with an integer field of Dimension Value ID.

This table converts the field pair Dimension and Dimension Value to an integer value.

When you rename the dimension and dimension value, the integer value is not changed.

DimSet."Parent ID" := 0;  // 'root'IF UserDim.FINDSET THEN  REPEAT      DimSet.GET(DimSet.ParentID,UserDim."Dimension Value ID");  UNTIL UserDim.NEXT = 0;EXIT(DimSet.ID);

Table Structure

New Tables

Three new tables have been designed to manage dimension set entries.

Table 480 Dimension Set Entry
Table 480 Dimension Set Entry is a new table. You cannot change this table. After data has been written to the table, you cannot delete or edit it.

Deleting data requires that you check against all occurrences of the dimension set ID in the entire database, including partner solutions.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
1IDInteger>0.0 is reserved for the empty dimension set. References field 3 in table 481.
2Dimension CodeCode 20Table relation to table 348.
3Dimension Value CodeCode 20Table relation to table 349.
4Dimension Value IDIntegerReferences field 12 in table 349. It is the secondary key that is used when traversing table 481.
5Dimension NameText 30CalcField. Lookup to table 348.
6Dimension Value NameText 30CalcField. Lookup to table 349.

Table 481 Dimension Set Tree Node

Table 481 Dimension Set Tree Node is a new table. You cannot change this table.

It is used to search for a dimension set. If the dimension set is not found, a new set is created.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
1Parent Dimension Set IDInteger0 for top level node.
2Dimension Value IDIntegerTable relation to field 12 in table 349.
3Dimension Set IDIntegerAutoIncrement. Used in field 1 in table 480.
4In UseBooleanFalse if not in use.

Table 482 Reclas. Dimension Set Buffer
Table 482 Reclas. Dimension Set Buffer is a new table.

The table is used to edit a dimension set ID.

It is required when you edit a dimension value code and a new dimension value code, for example, in the Item Reclas. Journal table.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
1Dimension CodeCode 20Table relation to table 348.
2Dimension Value CodeCode 20Table relation to table 349.
3Dimension Value IDIntegerReferences field 12 in table 349.
4New Dimension Value CodeCode 20Table relation to table 349.
5New Dimension Value IDIntegerReferences field 12 in table 349.
6Dimension NameText 30CalcField. Lookup to table 348.
7Dimension Value NameText 30CalcField. Lookup to table 349.
8New Dimension Value NameText 30CalcField. Lookup to table 349.

Modified Tables
All transaction and budget tables have been modified to manage dimension set entries.

Changes to Transaction and Budget Tables
A new field has been added to all transaction and budget tables.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
480Dimension Set IDIntegerReferences field 1 in table 480.

Changes to Table 83 Item Journal Line
Two new fields have been added to table 83 Item Journal Line.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
480Dimension Set IDIntegerReferences field 1 in table 480.
481New Dimension Set IDIntegerReferences field 1 in table 480.

Changes to Table 349 Dimension Value
A new field has been added to table 349 Dimension Value.

Field No. Field Name Data Type Comment
12Dimension Value IDIntegerAutoIncrement. Used for references in table 480 and table 481.

Tables That Get New Field 480 Dimension Set ID
A new field, 480 Dimension Set ID, has been added to the following tables.

For the tables that store posted data, the field only provides a non-editable display of dimensions, which is marked as Drill-down.

For the tables that store working documents, the field is editable. The buffer tables that are used internally do not need editable or non-editable capabilities.

The 480 field is non-editable in the following tables

Table No. Table Name
17G/L Entry
21Cust. Ledger Entry
25Vendor Ledger Entry
32Item Ledger Entry
110Sales Shipment Header
111Sales Shipment Line
112Sales Invoice Header
113Sales Invoice Line
114Sales Cr.Memo Header
115Sales Cr.Memo Line
120Purch. Rcpt. Header
121Purch. Rcpt. Line
122Purch. Inv. Header
123Purch. Inv. Line
124Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr.
125Purch. Cr. Memo Line
169Job Ledger Entry
203Res. Ledger Entry
271Bank Account Ledger Entry
281Phys. Inventory Ledger Entry
297Issued Reminder Header
304Issued Fin. Charge Memo Header
5107Sales Header Archive
5108Sales Line Archive
5109Purchase Header Archive
5110Purchase Line Archive
5601FA Ledger Entry
5625Maintenance Ledger Entry
5629Ins. Coverage Ledger Entry
5744Transfer Shipment Header
5745Transfer Shipment Line
5746Transfer Receipt Header
5747Transfer Receipt Line
5802Value Entry
5832Capacity Ledger Entry
5907Service Ledger Entry
5908Service Header
5933Service Order Posting Buffer
5970Filed Service Contract Header
5990Service Shipment Header
5991Service Shipment Line
5992Service Invoice Header
5993Service Invoice Line
5994Service Cr. Memo Header
5995Service Cr. Memo Line
6650Return Shipment Header
6651Return Shipment Line
6660Return Receipt Header
6661Return Receipt Line

The 480 field is editable in the following tables

Table No. Table Name
36Sales Header
37Sales Line
38Purchase Header
39Purchase Line
81Gen. Journal Line
83Item Journal Line
89BOM Journal Line
96G/L Budget Entry
207Res. Journal Line
210Job Journal Line
221Gen. Jnl. Allocation
246Requisition Line
295Reminder Header
302Finance Charge Memo Header
5405Production Order
5406Prod. Order Line
5407Prod. Order Component
5615FA Allocation
5621FA Journal Line
5635Insurance Journal Line
5740Transfer Header
5741Transfer Line
5900Service Header
5901Service Item Line
5902Service Line
5965Service Contract Header
5997Standard Service Line
7134Item Budget Entry
99000829Planning Component

The 480 field has been added to the following buffer tables.

Table No. Table Name
49Invoice Post. Buffer
212Job Posting Buffer
372Payment Buffer
382CV Ledger Entry Buffer
461Prepayment Inv. Line Buffer
5637FA G/L Posting Buffer
7136Item Budget Buffer

Codeunit 408 Dimension Management
Codeunit 408 Dimension Management is a function library that handles common tasks that are related to dimensions, such as copying from one table to another or from one document to another.

Many functions are deleted because there is no need for copying between dimension tables at the other hand many functions are modified.

Modified Functions

Function Name Modification Description
CheckDimSetIDCombNew function that substitutes the other check functions and takes a Dimension Set ID as an argument instead of a dimension table.





Delete. All usage should be changed to CheckDimSetIDComb.
GetDefaultDimModify to return an integer Dimension Set ID instead of a set of records.



Modify to work with DimSetID -> ICJnlLineDim

Deleted Functions

Functions that are deleted from codeunit 408 in connection with the Dimension Set Entries feature are listed below.

During the upgrade of application code from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 or earlier versions to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, the following functions are not available in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.

If you have customizations that use one or more of the functions, you must upgrade that code accordingly.






































































MoveDimBufToItemBudgetDim. (Delete because the ItemBudgetDim Table is deleted.






Code Examples of Changed Patterns in Modifications

Posting a Journal Line

Key changes are listed as follows:

  • Journal line dimension tables are removed.

  • A dimension set ID is created in the Dimension Set ID field.

Old Code

ResJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure" :=  SalesLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure";



TempDocDim.SETRANGE( "Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Line");

TempDocDim.SETRANGE( "Line No.",SalesLine."Line No.");

DimMgt.CopyDocDimToJnlLineDim( TempDocDim,TempJnlLineDim);

ResJnlPostLine.RunWithCheck( ResJnlLine,TempJnlLineDim);

New Code

ResJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := SalesLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure";

ResJnlLine."Dimension Set ID" := SalesLine." Dimension Set ID ";

Posting a Document
When you post a document in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, you no longer have to copy the document dimensions.

Old Code


TempDocDim,DATABASE::"Sales Line",

"Document Type",


SalesShptLine."Line No.",

DATABASE::"Sales Shipment Line",


New Code

SalesShptLine."Dimension Set ID”  := SalesLine."Dimension Set ID”
Editing Dimensions from a Document
You can edit dimensions from a document. For example, you can edit a sales order line.

Old Code

Table 37, function ShowDimensions:

TESTFIELD("Document No.");

TESTFIELD("Line No.");

DocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Line");

DocDim.SETRANGE("Document Type","Document Type");

DocDim.SETRANGE("Document No.","Document No.");

DocDim.SETRANGE("Line No.","Line No.");



New Code

Table 37, function ShowDimensions:

"Dimension ID" := DimSetEntry.EditDimensionSet( "Dimension ID");
Showing Dimensions from Posted Entries
You can show dimensions from posted entries, such as sales shipment lines.

Old Code

Table 111, function ShowDimensions:


TESTFIELD("Line No.");

PostedDocDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Sales Shipment Line");

PostedDocDim.SETRANGE("Document No.","Document No.");

PostedDocDim.SETRANGE("Line No.","Line No.");



New Code

Table 111, function ShowDimensions:

DimSetEntry.ShowDimensionSet("Dimension ID");
Getting Default Dimensions for a Document
You can get default dimensions for a document, such as a sales order line.

Old Code

Table 37, function CreateDim()


TableID[1] := Type1;

No[1] := No1;

TableID[2] := Type2;

No[2] := No2;

TableID[3] := Type3;

No[3] := No3;

"Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := '';

"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := '';

DimMgt.GetPreviousDocDefaultDim( DATABASE::"Sales Header","Document Type",

"Document No.",0, DATABASE::Customer, "Shortcut Dimension 1 Code",

"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code");


"Shortcut Dimension 1 Code", "Shortcut Dimension 2 Code");

IF "Line No." <> 0 THEN

DimMgt.UpdateDocDefaultDim( DATABASE::"Sales Line","Document Type",

"Document No.","Line No.", "Shortcut Dimension 1 Code", "Shortcut Dimension 2 Code");

New Code

Table 37, function CreateDim()


TableID[1] := Type1;

No[1] := No1;

TableID[2] := Type2;

No[2] := No2;

TableID[3] := Type3;

No[3] := No3;

"Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := '';

"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := '';


"Dimension ID" :=  DimMgt.GetDefaultDimID(

TableID,No,SourceCodeSetup.Sales, "Shortcut Dimension 1 Code",

"Shortcut Dimension 2 Code", SalesHeader."Dimension ID", DATABASE::"Sales Header");

Configuring SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 – Part-3

To configure SQL Authentication on Microsoft NAV Server Instance using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell

  • If you are modifying an existing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, run the Set-NAVServerConfiguration cmdlet.

Syntax & Parameter explaination:

Set-NAVServerConfiguration (cmdlet)
-KeyName <String>

(The configuration key name. Examine the CustomSettings.config file to determine the correct key name.)
[-Element <String> ]

(Specifies the navigation path from the root element to the appSettings section of the configuration document.)
[-ServerInstance] <String>

(Specifies the name of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. The default instance name is DynamicsNAV90. You can specify either the full name of an instance such as MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$myinstance or the short name such as myinstance.)
-DatabaseCredentials <PSCredential>

(The user name and password of the login account that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance will use to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server. This parameter configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication on the connection to the database. The login account must be a member of the db_owner role on the database.)
[-Force] (Forces the command to run without asking for user confirmation.)

[-KeyValue <String> ] (The configuration key value.)

[-Confirm] (Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.)

[-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Use the DatabaseCredentials parameter to provide the login credentials of the database user that you want to use to access the application database.

C:\PS>Set-NAVServerConfiguration MyInstance -KeyName DatabaseServer -KeyValue DatabaseServer.Domain.Com

  • If you are creating a new Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, run the New-NAVServerInstance cmdlet.

Syntax & Parameter explaination:

[-ServerInstance] <String>

(Specifies the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. The default instance name isDynamicsNAV90. You can specify either the full name of an instance, such as MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$DynamicsNAV90, or the short name, such as DynamicsNAV90. You must use single-quotes around the instance name.)
-ManagementServicesPort <ServicePort>

(Specifies the TCP port that is used to manage the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. The Management Services port has no exceptions in the firewall, and will only be accessed from the local computer. The port is used by Windows PowerShell for access Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server management data.)
[-ClientServicesCredentialType <String> ]

(The type of client credential used for client authentication.Possible values are: Windows, Username, NavUserPassword and AccessControlService.)
[-ClientServicesPort <ServicePort> ]

(Specifies the listening TCP port for clients such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client.)
[-DatabaseCredentials <PSCredential> ]

(The user name and password of the login account that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance will use to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server. This parameter configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication on the connection to the database. If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured for multitenancy, then parameter configure SQL Authentication on the connection to the application database, not the tenant database. The login account must be a member of the db_owner role on the database.)
[-DatabaseInstance <DatabaseInstance> ]

(Specifies the SQL Server instance on which the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database is installed.)
[-DatabaseName <DatabaseName> ]

(Specifies the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.)
[-DatabaseServer <DatabaseServer> ]

(Specifies the name of the computer on which the SQL Server instance for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database is installed.)
[-Force] (Forces the command to run without asking for user confirmation.)


(Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to be a multitenant instance.)
[-ODataServicesPort <ServicePort> ]

(Specifies the listening HTTP port for Microsoft Dynamics NAV OData web services.)
[-ServiceAccount <ServiceAccount> ]

(Specifies the Windows-based computer account that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance must use to log on. The default value is NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. Only NetworkService and User values are supported. This parameter accepts values from the enum System.ServiceProcess.ServiceAccount.)
[-ServiceAccountCredential <PSCredential> ]

(Specifies a set of security credentials that you must use when configuring the service account.)
[-ServicesCertificateThumbprint <ClientServicesCertificateThumbprint> ]

(Specifies the certificate thumbprint for the x509 certificate that is going to be used for securing communication with the server. The certificate must be stored in the local machine store and in the personal sub-store in the certificate store. The private key of the certificate must be present and exchangeable. The certificate must be in .pfx format, not .cer format. The certificate can be either self-signed or issued by a trusted certification authority (CA).

When specifying a ServicesCertificateThumbprint, SOAP web services and OData web services become HTTPS.)
[-SOAPServicesPort <ServicePort> ]

(Specifies the listening HTTP port for Microsoft Dynamics NAV SOAP web services.)
[-Confirm] (Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.)

[-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Use the DatabaseCredentials parameter to provide the login credentials of the database user that you want to use to access the application database.

C:\PS>New-NAVServerInstance NewInstance -ManagementServicesPort 8099 -ClientServicesPort 8100 -SOAPServicesPort 8101 -ODataServicesPort 8102 –verbose

C:\PS>Get-Credential | New-NAVServerInstance NewInstance -ServiceAccount User -ManagementServicesPort 8099 -ClientServicesPort 8100 -SOAPServicesPort 8101 -ODataServicesPort 8102 –verbose


For Multitenant Environment

  1. Configure SQL Server Authentication with the application database as above.

  2. To configure SQL Authentication with the tenant database, run the Mount-NAVTenant

Syntax & Parameter explaination:

[-AlternateId] <System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection[string]>

(Specifies the alternative IDs for the tenant, such as host names for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, SOAP web services, OData web services, or the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

If you use alternative IDs for tenant resolution in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, you must also enable some of the UrlRewrite rules in the Web.Config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components.)
[-AzureKeyVaultSettings] <Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.AzureKeyVaultSettings>

(Specifies the Azure key vault settings. This parameter is available only if the EncryptionProvider is set to AzureKeyVault.)
[-ServerInstance] <String>

(Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance that you want to mount the tenant against, such as DynamicsNAV90. You can specify either the fully qualified name, such as 'MyServer$DynamicsNAV90', or the short name, such as 'DynamicsNAV90'.)
[-DatabaseInstance] <System.String>

(Specifies the name of the SQL Server instance that hosts the database. You can also specify the instance in the DatabaseServer parameter, such as MyServer\MyInstance.)
[-DatabaseName] <System.String>

(Specifies the name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database that you want to mount against the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, such as 'Demo Database NAV (9-0)'.)
[-DatabaseServer] <System.String>

(Specifies the name of the database server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database that you want to mount against the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.)
[-DefaultCompany] <System.String>

(Specifies the name of the company that NAS services, OData web services, and SOAP web services use if no other company is specified.)
[-DefaultTimeZone] <System.TimeZoneInfo>

(Specifies the default time zone that is used by the NAS services, OData web services, and SOAP web services for this tenant.

You can set the parameter to UTC, 'Server Time Zone', or the ID of a Windows Time Zone.

UTC specifies that all business logic for services on the server instance runs in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

'Server Time Zone' specifies that services use the time zone of the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

ID of a Windows Time Zone specifies that services use a Windows time zone as defined in the system registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. For example, Romance Standard Time is a valid Windows time zone value.

If this parameter is not specified, the value is taken from the ServicesDefaultTimeZone setting in the CustomSetting.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.)

(Specifies to enable NAS services on the tenant. The default value is false.)

(Specifies the NAS services to run with administrator rights. This grants the NAS service the same permissions as the SUPER permission set in Microsoft Dynamics NAV without having to add the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account as a user. The default is false.)
[[-ApplicationDatabaseCredentials] <PSCredential> ]

(Specifies the user name and password of the login account that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance will use to access the application database in SQL Server. This parameter configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication on the connection to the application database.

The login account must be a member of the db_owner role on the database.

This parameter is only relevant when you set with the ApplicationDatabaseServer and ApplicationDatabaseName parameters )
[[-ApplicationDatabaseName] <System.String> ]

(Specifies the name of the application database to use with the tenant database.

This parameter is only relevant if the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured for multitenancy. This parameter, together with the ApplicationDatabaseServer parameter, enables you to mount a tenant to the same Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance as the application database without having to connect a running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.)
[[-ApplicationDatabaseServer] <System.String> ]

(Specifies the SQL Server name and instance, such as MyServer\MyInstance, that hosts the application database that you want to use with the tenant database,.

This parameter, together with the ApplicationDatabaseName parameter, enables you to mount a tenant to the same Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance as the application database without having to connect to a running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.)

(Specifies if the tenant can write to the application database. The default value is false.)
[-DatabaseCredentials <PSCredential> ]

(Specifies the user name and password of the login account that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance will use to access the tenant database in SQL Server. This parameter configures the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance to use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication on the connection to the database.

The login account must be a member of the db_owner role on the database.)
[-EncryptionProvider <Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Types.EncryptionProvider> ]

(Specifies the name of the encryption provider.)
[-Force] (Forces the command to run without asking for user confirmation.)


(Specifies if the Mount-NAVTenant cmdlet must overwrite the tenant ID in the database if the database has been mounted as a tenant earlier. If this is false, and the tenant database has previously been mounted with a different tenant ID, an exception is thrown.)
[-Confirm] (Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.)

[-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Use the DatabaseCredentials parameter to provide the login credentials of the database user that you want to use to access the tenant database.

PS C:\> Mount-NAVTenant DynamicsNAV90 -Id 'Test' -DatabaseName 'Test_Database'

PS C:\> Mount-NAVTenant DynamicsNAV90 Test Test_Database

PS C:\> Mount-NAVTenant DynamicsNAV90 -Id 'Test' -DatabaseName 'Test_Database' -DatabaseCredentials (Get-Credential)

PS C:\> Get-NAVTenant Server1 | Mount-NAVTenant Server2

PS C:\> Get-NAVTenant Server1 | Dismount-NavTenant Server1 -Force | Mount-NAVTenant Server2

PS C:\> Mount-NAVTenant DynamicsNAV90 -Id 'Test' -DatabaseName 'Test_Database'-AlternateId @( "", "" )

PS C:\> Mount-NAVTenant -Id 'Test' -DatabaseName 'Test_Database' -DatabaseCredentials (Get-Credential) -ApplicationDatabaseServer 'MySQLServer\NAV' -ApplicationDatabaseName 'MyNavAppDatabase' -ApplicationDatabaseCredentials (Get-Credential) -KeyFilePath 'C:\key\nav.key' -KeyFilePassword (Get-Credential).Password

Configuring SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 – Part-2

Recall from my previous post Configuring SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 – Part-1, action is almost similar with few small differences when dealing with Multitenant Deployment.
Configure SQL Server Authentication on Microsoft NAV Server Instance in a Multitenant Deployment
How to configure a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database to use SQL Server Authentication with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

To configure a SQL Server Authentication on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, you set up the server instance with the login credentials (user name and password) for the user accounts for the application and tenant databases in SQL Server.

To configure SQL Authentication on Microsoft NAV Server Instance using Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool

  • Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

  • In the console tree, which is the left pane, expand the node for the computer that contains the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, and then select the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

  • Configure SQL Server Authentication with the application database as follows:

    • In the Actions pane, choose Database Credentials.

    • On the Database Credentials page, choose the Edit button.

    • Set the Database Authentication Mode to SQL Server Authentication.

    • In the Database User Name field, type the login name for the database user that you want to use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV application database in SQL Server.

    • In the Password field, type the login password for the database user that you want to use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

    • Choose the Save button, and then on the Enable Encryption on SQL Server Connections dialog box, choose the OK button.

Encryption keys are used to help secure the login credentials over the connection between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

  • On the Information dialog box about encryption, choose the OK button.

This dialog box is to inform you to enable encryption on SQL Server connections, which is disabled by default.

  • If you want to enable encryption on SQL Server connections, in the Action pane, choose Configuration, and then choose the Edit button. In the Database tab, select Enable Encryption on SQL Connections, choose the Save button, and then the OK button.

  • To configure SQL Server Authentication with the tenant database, mount the tenant to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and specify the login credentials (user name and password) for the database user that you want to use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV tenant database in SQL Server.

If the tenant is already mounted to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance, you must dismount the tenant, and mount it again.

Restart the server instance.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Configuring SQL Server Authentication in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 – Part-1

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 supports SQL Server authentication between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server. Previously only Windows authentication was supported.

Set Up an Encryption Key

When using SQL Server authentication, Microsoft Dynamics NAV requires an encryption key to encrypt the credentials (user name and password) that the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance uses to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

The encryption key must be installed on the computer where the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed and also in the database in SQL Server.

In a multitenant deployment, the encryption key must be installed in the application database.

To set up an encryption key, you can use one of the following methods:

  • You can create and import your own encryption key by using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell cmdlets.

  • If you are configuring SQL Server authentication on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance for the first time, you can use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool which can automatically create and install a system encryption key. If you decide to use this method, no action is required.

To create and import encryption key

  • In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell, run the New-NAVEncryptionkey

Create an encryption key and stores it in a file in a specified path on the computer or network.

New-NAVEncryptionKey [-KeyPath] <String> [-Force] [-Password <SecureString> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

The New-NAVEncryptionKey cmdlet enables you to specify a destination file for the key and specify a password to protect the file.

This creates a file that contains an encryption key. If you already have an encryption key file, you can skip this step.
Example: New-NAVEncryptionKey  -KeyPath "C:\UserData\SQLKey\MySQLKey" -Password (Get-Credential).Password


  • Run the Import-NAVEncryptionkey cmdlet to install the encryption key on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and database.

Imports an encryption key from a file to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and database in SQL Server.

Import-NAVEncryptionKey [[-ServerInstance] <String> ] [-KeyPath] <String> -ApplicationDatabaseName <String> -ApplicationDatabaseServer <String> [-ApplicationDatabaseCredentials <PSCredential> ] [-Force] [-Password <SecureString> ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]

Example: Import-NAVEncryptionKey -ServerInstance 'DynamicsNAV90' -KeyPath "C:\UserData\SQLKey\MySQLKey.key" -ApplicationDatabaseServer 'INDEL-AXT5283VM' -ApplicationDatabaseName 'Demo Database NAV (9-0)' -Password (Get-Credential).Password


You cannot import an encryption key on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance if an encryption key file already exists. You must first delete the encryption key from the computer where Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server is installed.

By default, encryption keys are stored in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\Server\Keys folder.

Configure SQL Authentication on the Database

This section describes how to configure a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database to use SQL Server Authentication with a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. You can complete the steps in this procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.

Important : In a deployment where the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as a multitenant server instance, you must complete the following procedure on the application database and tenant database.

To configure SQL Server Authentication on the database in SQL Server

  • Configure the SQL Server instance (Database Engine) that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database to use SQL Server Authentication.

To use SQL Server authentication, you configure the database instance to mixed authentication mode (SQL Server and Windows Authentication).

In the SQL Server instance, create a login that uses SQL Server authentication.

  • Map the login to a user in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, and add the user to the db_owner role of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

Configure SQL Server Authentication on Microsoft NAV Server Instance (Non-Multitenant)
You configure the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance with the login credentials (user name and password) of the user account in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server that you want to use for authentication. You can do this using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell.
To configure SQL Authentication on Microsoft NAV Server Instance using Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool

  • Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

  • In the Actions pane, choose Database Credentials.

  • Set the Database Authentication Type to SQL Authentication.

  • In the Database User Name field, type the login name for the database user that you want to use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

In the Password field, type the login password for the database user that you want to use to access the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

  • Choose the Save button, and then on the Enable Encryption on SQL Server Connections dialog box, choose the OK button.


Encryption keys are used to help secure the login credentials over the connection between the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

  • On the Information dialog box about encryption, choose the OK button.

This dialog box is to inform you to enable encryption on SQL Server connections, which is disabled by default.

  • If you want to enable encryption on SQL Server connections, in the Action pane, choose Configuration, and then choose the Edit button. In the Database tab, select Enable Encryption on SQL Connections, choose the Save button, and then the OK button.


  • Restart the server instance.

Checkout my upcoming posts for more details on this.

Microsoft Dynamics Navision 2016 – ‘Corfu’ Rewind

In last 1 month we all were very much concentrated on new release of Navision 2016.

Here I am presenting link of all post posted during this period for quick reference.

Still there is lot of things to share and yet many of the topics have not been covered in details, also many yet not touched still many pages of this story remains unturned.

I will be covering them in my upcoming posts.

Navision 2016 – ‘Corfu’

Get Ready for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

What’s New: Application Changes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

What’s New: Developer Changes for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Changes in C/AL Behaviour C/AL Functions in Nav 2016

Changes in C/AL Behaviour C/AL Properties in Nav 2016

Changes in C/AL Behaviour C/AL Statements in Nav 2016

Redesigned C/AL Editor in Navision 2016

Record Permissions and Apply Permissions Sets to User Groups in Navision 2016

Posting Preview in Navision 2016

Filter Pages for Filtering Tables using FILTERPAGEBUILDER

Events in C/AL Navision 2016

Using a Timestamp Field in Navision 2016

Implementing Events in Navision 2016

Deferral Functionality in Navision 2016

Workflows in Dynamics NAV 2016

Multiple namespace support in XML Ports – Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Modify, Assign and Process Email for Word Forms in Navision 2016

How Do I Set Up Microsoft Dynamics NAV to work with Azure SQL Database | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Works Natively with Microsoft Dynamics CRM | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Introducing Extensions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 content package for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Using Try Functions in Navision 2016

Approval Types in Workflow for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Upgrade Considerations for Document Approvals | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Accounting Services Role Center for Dynamics NAV 2016 | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Integration Events in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Email Logging with Exchange Online in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Test Isolation in the Application Test Automation Suite | Dynamics NAV Team Blog

Upgrade in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Upgrading the Application Code in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

Announcing the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Universal App (Dynamics NAV v2.0)

Upgrading the Data in Navision 2016

Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016

Few Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016 – Part 2

NAV Design Pattern: TryFunction – .NET Exception Handling in C/AL

I will come up with more topics on this version in coming days. Stay tuned for more details.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

NAV Design Pattern: TryFunction – .NET Exception Handling in C/AL

When you want to use objects from the .NET Framework in C/AL code, one of the main challenges is to handle exceptions that the methods of these objects may throw. Eventually, if not handled, they will basically bubble up as runtime errors, halting the current operation a user is doing without having a chance to properly display errors in a user-friendly format.

For more details check following links :

You can refer my earlier post too using below link :

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Few Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016 – Part 2

You can use Windows PowerShell scripts to upgrade the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 provides sample scripts that you can adapt for your deployment architecture.

Automating the Upgrade Process

When you upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016, you must first upgrade the application code, and then you upgrade the data.

In my earlier post I have explained this using PowerShell commands, you can find the link here: Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016

By using Windows PowerShell, you can automate both parts of the upgrade process. Also, you can use the same scripts to test each step in your upgrade process before you upgrade production databases.

You can combine this automated upgrade with a migration to multitenancy this makes maintenance easier for you.

The Sample Scripts for Code Upgrade

Microsoft Dynamics NAV includes sample scripts that illustrate how you can use Windows PowerShell cmdlets to upgrade your application to the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

The sample scripts are located in the ApplicationMergeUtilities folder under the WindowsPowerShellScripts folder on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV product media.

However you can follow above post link steps explanation to get it done.

The Sample Scripts for Data Upgrade

Microsoft Dynamics NAV includes sample scripts that illustrate how you can automate the upgrade of data to the latest version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

The sample scripts are located in the Upgrade folder under the WindowsPowerShellScripts folder on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV product media. You can run the sample script using a partner license or a customer license.

To learn and follow MS suggested steps you can find details using this link. Automating the Upgrade Process using Windows PowerShell Scripts in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016

To run the sample script for the data upgrade of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, you must have a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 database that is available on a SQL Server instance and is ready to be upgraded.

Here I present my version derived from above Steps:

To continue we will do some setup. Copy the Upgrade folder from above path and save as DataUpgradePSKit.


Create Folder OriginalScript and move the PS1 file on root to this folder although we don’t require for this exercise but you can safe copy for your reference. (Example, Set-PartnerSettings, Set-PowerShellEnvironment)

Create Backup folder, script will use to store backup of the database previous to start Upgrade process.

Create Upgrade Folder and place these files:

  • License File

  • New Merged Objects fob

  • Upgrade Toolkit / or your own prepared Upgrade Codeunits


  • Create ProcessLogs Folder, which will be used for recording log of Shell Script.

Here is the script which we will be using to perform our Data Upgrade process:

You can find this script here or you can download from Menu of my Blog using Link Shared Files.


# Added below parameter values globally for ease of maintenance

# You just do correction on values here (as per your environment) and will be in effect for rest of below script

# No need to scan and change every occurrence for same value in different steps of the script.

# Select this section and Execute first so that these Variables value are available for rest of the script.
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\Service\NavAdminTool.ps1'

$NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance = "UpgradedDBfrom2013R2"


$NAVUpgrade_FinSqlExeFile = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\RoleTailored Client\finsql.exe"

$NAVUpgrade_IDEModulePath = ""

$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer = "INDEL-AXT5283VM"

$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseInstance = ""

$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName = "Demo Database NAV (7-1)"

$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseToUpgradeBakFile = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Backup\DynamicsNAV70_BeforeUpgrade.bak"

$NAVUpgrade_NewVersionObjectsFobFilePath = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\NewObjects.fob"

$NAVUpgrade_UpgradeToolkitObjectsFobFilePath = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\Upgrade710900.FOB"

$NAVUpgrade_UpgradeObjectsFilter = "Version List=UPGTK9.00.00"

$NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\ProcessLogs"

#$NAVUpgrade_RapidStartPackageFile = 'C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\PackageSTCODES.rapidstart'

$NAVUpgrade_CurrentVersionLicenseFile = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\DevLicense.flf"

$NAVUpgrade_PreviousVersionLicenseFilePath = "C:\UserData\DataUpgradePSKit\Upgrade\DevLicense.flf"


# Upgrade Steps:
Import-Module (Join-Path (Get-Location) 'Cmdlets\NAVUpgradeCmdlets.psm1') -DisableNameChecking

#1. Prepares the Windows PowerShell session by importing the required modules.
        # Import the NAV IDE Module.

Import-NAVIdeModule -IDEModuleSuggestedPath $NAVUpgrade_IDEModulePath -FinSqlExeFile $NAVUpgrade_FinSqlExeFile




#2. Saves the current license from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 database.

# Backup current license from the application part of the database (table '$ndo$dbproperty') , if it exists
        Export-NAVLicenseFromApplicationDatabase `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer `

-DatabaseInstance $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseInstance `

-LicenseFilePath $NAVUpgrade_PreviousVersionLicenseFilePath


#3. Creates a backup of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2, or Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 database, and then converts the database to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.
        Backup-NAVSqlDatabase `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer `

-DatabaseInstance $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseInstance `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseBackupFilePath $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseToUpgradeBakFile

$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance = Get-SqlServerInstance -DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer -DatabaseInstance $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseInstance

$NavServerInfo = New-Object PSObject

Add-Member -InputObject $NavServerInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NavServerName -Value "$NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer"

Add-Member -InputObject $NavServerInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NavServerInstance -Value (Get-NAVServerConfigurationValue  -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -ConfigKeyName "ServerInstance")

Add-Member -InputObject $NavServerInfo -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NavServerManagementPort -Value (Get-NAVServerConfigurationValue -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -ConfigKeyName "ManagementServicesPort")


# Perform technical upgrade of the NAV database
        Invoke-NAVDatabaseConversion `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory\"Database Conversion"


#4. Connects the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Server instance to the converted database, imports the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 license file, and then synchronizes the table schema.


# Connect the NAV Server to the NAV database
        Connect-NAVServerToNAVDatabase  `

-NAVServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance `

-NAVServerServiceAccount $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerServiceAccount `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseServer `

-DatabaseInstance $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseInstance `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName

# Import the new version license into the application database, and restart the server in order for the license to be loaded
        Import-NAVServerLicense -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -LicenseFile $NAVUpgrade_CurrentVersionLicenseFile -Database NavDatabase

Set-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -Restart

# Synchronize the NAV database
        Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -Mode Sync -Force


#5. Imports the application objects and upgrade toolkit objects from the specified .fob file, and then synchronizes the table schema again.

#   This updates the SQL Server database based on the new table schema that is defined by the imported application objects. Data that must be mapped to another table is saved in upgrade tables.

# Delete the tables from the previous version, using SynchronizeSchemaChanges Later.

# The new  objects we import will contain the new version of the tables.
        Delete-NAVApplicationObject `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory `

-Filter "Type=Table;ID=<2000000000" `

-SynchronizeSchemaChanges "No" `

-NavServerName $NavServerInfo.NavServerName `

-NavServerInstance $NAVServerInfo.NavServerInstance `

-NavServerManagementPort $NavServerInfo.NavServerManagementPort `


# Import all the new objects and the upgrade objects, by delaying the schema synchronization

# If an $UpgradeToolkitObjects value has not been provided, then

#  the assumption is that the upgrade toolkit is within the same .FOB as the new objects


# Import FOB file containing the new version of the application objects, including the upgrade toolkit

Import-NAVApplicationObject `

-Path $NAVUpgrade_NewVersionObjectsFobFilePath `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory `

-ImportAction "Overwrite" `

-SynchronizeSchemaChanges "No" `

-NavServerName $NavServerInfo.NavServerName `

-NavServerInstance $NAVServerInfo.NavServerInstance `

-NavServerManagementPort $NavServerInfo.NavServerManagementPort `






# Import FOB file containing the new version of the application objects

Import-NAVApplicationObject `

-Path $NAVUpgrade_NewVersionObjectsFobFilePath `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory `

-ImportAction "Overwrite" `

-SynchronizeSchemaChanges "No" `



# Import FOB file containing the upgrade codeunit and upgrade tables

Import-NAVApplicationObject `

-Path $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeToolkitObjectsFobFilePath `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory `

-ImportAction "Overwrite" `

-SynchronizeSchemaChanges "No" `



# Synchronize the metadata changes to SQL
        Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -Mode Sync -Force

#6. Calls the Start-NAVDataUpgrade cmdlet to verify the data upgrade preconditions and transfer data from the upgrade tables to the destination tables.

# Invoke the Data Upgrade process
        Invoke-NAVDataUpgrade -ServerInstance $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance


#7. Deletes all obsolete tables and the upgrade toolkit objects.

# Delete Upgrade Toolkit objects
        Delete-NAVApplicationObject `

-DatabaseName $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseName `

-DatabaseServer $NAVUpgrade_DatabaseSQLServerInstance `

-LogPath $NAVUpgrade_UpgradeLogsDirectory `

-Filter "$NAVUpgrade_UpgradeObjectsFilter;ID=<2000000000" `

-SynchronizeSchemaChanges "Force" `

-NavServerName $NavServerInfo.NavServerName `

-NavServerInstance $NAVServerInfo.NavServerInstance `

-NavServerManagementPort $NavServerInfo.NavServerManagementPort `



#8.       Initializes all companies in the upgraded database. If you specified a RapidStart package in the Set-PartnerSettings.ps1 file, the package is applied to all companies.

# Optionally, run RapidStart package import


Invoke-NAVRapidStartDataImport -ServerInstance      $NAVUpgrade_NAVServerInstance -RapidStartPackageFile $NAVUpgrade_RapidStartPackageFile




The sample script is intended to be run in the context of a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 deployment, including the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance cannot be multitenant. When the sample script runs successfully, the result is a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 database that is connected to a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Server instance, and which uses a Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 license.

You may face some permission related issues, take help of you IT person if not sure about the nature of issue or use Administrator login.

I will come with more details in my next posts.



Saturday, 24 October 2015

Helpful PowerShell Commands which you can use for Upgrade Process in Navision 2016

In today’s post we will see some Power Shell Commands which will be helpful while performing Upgrades using PowerShell. For below commands to exercise you will need to create/prepare Folder Structure as below else you will have to modify the path in below script as one which you will be using.

For your ease I have uploaded the below script in form of text file named ‘MyPowerShellScript.txt’ which you can get using this link alternatively from Menu of my blog side use Shared Files to access the file.

Extract you objects in Text format from Base, Customized and Target Database and place in respective folders. One text file per object will be better option for getting more clear insight on Results. You can find the command for Splitting the File per object in below Script.

After opening the PowerShell or ISE change your folder to Upgrade Demo as in my case it will be:

PS C:\userdata\upgrade demo>
Select the Script and Press Button in Toolbar Run Selection (F8) in Windows PowerShell ISE (Desktop App).

#1. Start Import NAV Module
Import-Module "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\RoleTailored Client\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.psd1" -force -DisableNameChecking

Get-Help "NAV"

This is must in order to run all below commands.

#2. Merge Objects

# Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Standard PowerShell table formatting with sorting on Object Type, Id
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |

Sort-Object ObjectType, Id |


# Use PowerShell VARIABLE, PIPING, FILTER, and LISTS - capture result in variable, then list file names of ORIGINAL and TARGET files in conflict 
$myVariable = Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt `

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force


$myVariable |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Conflict' |

Select Original, Target |


# Open NOTEPAD for each CONFLICT file 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt `

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |

Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Conflict' |

foreach { NOTEPAD $_.Conflict }

# Handling Documentation triggers: Merged by default, but conflict can either be treated as real conflict (Strict) or both inserted (ModifiedFirst or TargetFirst)
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\pagXXXX.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\pagXXXX.txt `

-TargetPath .\TARGET\pagXXXX.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT\pagXXXX.txt -Force -DocumentationConflict Strict

Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\pagXXXX.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\pagXXXX.txt `

-TargetPath .\TARGET\pagXXXX.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT\pagXXXX.txt -Force -DocumentationConflict ModifiedFirst

#3. Merge Format Output

# Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Same: Capture the rich output in a PowerShell variable for further processing
$result = Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Using the variable: Use standard PowerShell outputting of variable 

# Using the variable: Use the Summary property of the result 

# Using the variable: Use standard PowerShell table formatting 
$result | Format-Table

# Use standard PowerShell table formatting 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |


# Use standard PowerShell table formatting with sorting on ObjectType, Id 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |

Sort-Object ObjectType, Id |


# Use standard PowerShell graphical output (GridView) 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |


#4. Merge Filter Output

 # Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Same: Plus use PIPING, PASSTHRU and FILTER - show objects with CONFLICT only
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt `

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -PassThru -Force |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Conflict'

# Same: Plus use PIPING, PASSTHRU, FILTER, and COUNT - count MERGED objects
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt `

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -PassThru -Force |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Merged' |


# Same: Plus use PIPING, PASSTHRU, FILTER, and LISTING FILES - list file names of ORIGINAL and TARGET files in conflict 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt `

-ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -PassThru -Force |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Conflict' |

Select Original, Target |


#5. Merge and open Conflicts files using External Tools

 # Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT 
$result = Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Open NOTEPAD for each CONFLICT file 
$result |

Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Conflict' |

foreach { NOTEPAD $_.Conflict }

#6. Merge and Documentation Triggers

 # Compare object DOCUMENTATION modifications: Body-text (can be merged) and version list additions (potential conflict). 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\pagXXXX.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\pagXXXX.txt `

-TargetPath .\TARGET\pagXXXX.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT\pagXXXX.txt -Force -DocumentationConflict ModifiedFirst

# Same: But STRICT on conflicts. 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\pagXXXX.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\pagXXXX.txt `

-TargetPath .\TARGET\pagXXXX.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT\pagXXXXa.txt -Force -DocumentationConflict Strict

#7. Merge and import in CSIDE

# Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

# Locate subset (code units) of partionally merged object files, combine them into a single file for performance, and import them into C/SIDE (parameter -Database for you to provide). All throught piping. 
Get-ChildItem .\RESULT\COD*.txt |

Join-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Destination .\RESULT\partially-merged.txt |


#8. Merge and Export Result to Excel Output 

# Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and merge onto TARGET, then put the merged files in RESULT 
$result = Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

$AutoMerged = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Merged').Count

$Conflict   = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Conflict').Count

$Unchanged  = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Unchanged').Count

$Inserted   = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Inserted').Count

$Unknown    = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Unknown').Count

$Deleted    = ($result | Where-Object MergeResult -eq 'Deleted').Count

$Title      = "MySample"  # update Excel template file to allow blanks and special characters

$excelPath = "$(Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe' | select -exp Path)\Excel.exe"

& $excelPath ".\Merge Result Sample.xlsm" "/e/$Title/$AutoMerged/$Conflict/$Unchanged/$Inserted/$Unknown/$Deleted"

# Start-Process -FilePath ".\Merge Result Sample.xlsm" -ArgumentList "/e/BAS/$AutoMerged/$Conflict/$Unchanged/$Inserted/$Unknown/$Deleted"

#9. Compare

 # Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and output MULTIPLE separate DELTA files 
Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -DeltaPath .\DELTA -Force

# Compare ORIGINAL and TARGET, pipe the result into the Update-cmdlet (in particular the DELTA parameter) 
Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -DeltaPath .\DELTA -Force -PassThru |

Update-NAVApplicationObject -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

#10. Compare Piped

 # Compare ORIGINAL and TARGET and output ONE summary DELTA file 
Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\TARGET\*.txt -DeltaPath .\RESULT\sum-of-deltas.txt -Force

#11. Update Piped

# Compare ORIGINAL and MODIFIED and output MULTIPLE separate DELTA files, capture result in variable to apply multiple times 
$myDifferences = Compare-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -DeltaPath .\DELTA -Force

# Apply a captured set of differences to TARGET objects using the Update-cmdlet 
$myDifferences |

Update-NAVApplicationObject -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

#12. Join & Split Object Files

# Join all Codeunit-TXT-files into a single TXT-file
Join-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source .\ORIGINAL\COD*.txt -Destination .\RESULT\all-codeunits.txt -Force

# Join list of Codeunit-TXT-files into a single TXT-file 
Join-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source .\ORIGINAL\COD1.txt, .\ORIGINAL\COD2.txt, .\ORIGINAL\COD3.txt -Destination .\RESULT\3-codeunits.txt -Force

# Split a single TXT-file with multiple application objects into separate files in the DESTINATION folder 
Split-NAVApplicationObjectFile -Source .\RESULT\all-codeunits.txt -Destination .\SEPARATE -Force

Make sure you have created Separate Folder before executing this script.

#13. Get Application Properties 

# Show values of application properties in CODXXXX.TXT 
Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\RESULT\CODXXXX.txt

#14. Set Application Properties

# Set all object properties on named object COD1.TXT: VersionList to DemoV1, Modified as modified, and Date and Time to current date/time (show outcome) 
Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -TargetPath .\RESULT\COD1.txt -VersionListProperty "DemoV1" -ModifiedProperty Yes -DateTimeProperty (Get-Date -Format g)

Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\RESULT\COD1.txt

# Set date/time to a fixed, machine-locale agnostic date (January 1st, 2015) on Merged objects 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Merged' |

foreach { Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -TargetPath $_.Result -DateTimeProperty (Get-Date -Year 2015 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Format g) }

# Capture merge-result in variable, set VersionList property as an concatenation of Modified and Target values with trailing '!' 
$result = Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force

$result |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Merged' |

foreach { Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -TargetPath $_.Result -VersionListProperty "$_.Modified.VersionList,$_.Target.VersionList!";

Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source $_.Result }

# Display property VersionList of CODXXXX.TXT in MODIFIED, TARGET, and RESULT 
Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\MODIFIED\CODXXXX.txt | select VersionList

Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\TARGET\CODXXXX.txt | select VersionList

Get-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -Source .\RESULT\CODXXXX.txt | select VersionList

#15. Set Application Properties

# Set date/time to fixed date (January 31st, 2015) on Merged objects 
Merge-NAVApplicationObject -OriginalPath .\ORIGINAL\*.txt -ModifiedPath .\MODIFIED\*.txt -TargetPath .\TARGET\*.txt -ResultPath .\RESULT -Force -PassThru |

Where-Object MergeResult –eq 'Merged' |

foreach { Set-NAVApplicationObjectProperty -TargetPath $_.Result -DateTimeProperty "31-1-2015" }

#16. Export Language

# Export ONE language (Spanish) from a single object file.  
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId "ESP" -Destination .\result\TAB14-ESP.TXT -Force

# Export one language (Spanish) from a single object file with non-standard code page ENCODING.  
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId "ESP" -Destination .\result\TAB14-ESP-UNICODE.TXT -Encoding Unicode -Force

# Export ONE language (Spanish) from ALL objects into a SINGLE file. 
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\*.TXT -LanguageId "ESP" -Destination .\result\ALL-ESP.TXT -Force

# Export MULTIPLE languages (Spanish, US English) from ALL objects
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original -LanguageId "ESP","ENU" -Destination .\result -Force

# Export ALL languages (Spanish, US English, Danish) from ALL objects into result folder  
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original -Destination .\result -Force

# Export ALL languages (Spanish, US English, Danish) from ALL objects into a SINGLE file
Export-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original -Destination .\result\single.txt -Force

#17. Import Language  

# Import Spanish language from FULL translation file into a single object 
Import-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId "ESP" -LanguagePath .\result\ALL-ESP.TXT -Destination .\result -Force

#18. Remove Language

# Remove Spanish captions from a single object 
Remove-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\target\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId "ESP" -Destination .\result\TAB14-ESP-REMOVED.TXT -Force

# Remove all captions from multiple objects, result in a single file 
Remove-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\target\TAB14.TXT, .\target\PAGXXXX.TXT -Destination .\result -Force

#19. Test-Languages 

# Test all Spanish captions are present. PowerShell error returned, if translations are missing.
Test-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId ESP

# Test all Danish captions are all present. Catch error situation and report nicely back to the script. 


Test-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId DAN -ErrorAction Stop




Write-Host "One or more translations are missing for the DAN language." -ForegroundColor Yellow


# Test all Danish and Spanish captions are all present. With -PassThru a warning is reported and tranlation lines are returned for processing. 
Test-NAVApplicationObjectLanguage –Source .\original\TAB14.TXT -LanguageId ESP,DAN -PassThru

#20. Split or Join Language File

# Split an application translation file into per-object files
Split-NAVApplicationObjectLanguageFile -Source .\result\single.txt -Destination .\result -Force

# Join multiple application translation files into one combined file  
Join-NAVApplicationObjectLanguageFile -Source .\result\*-ESP.TXT -Destination .\result\JOINED-ESP.txt -Force

I will come with more details in my upcoming posts.