To create the test codeunit and test function
- In the development environment, on the Tools menu, choose Object Designer.
- In Object Designer, choose Codeunit, and then choose New.
- On the View menu, choose Properties.
- In the Properties window, in the Subtype field, select Test to specify that this is a test codeunit.
- On the View menu, choose C/AL Globals.
- In the C/AL Globals window, on the Functions tab, enter CalculateVendorDiscount. This is the name of the test function.

Note |
By default, functions that you add to test codeunits have the FunctionType property set to Test. |
- On the Functions tab, choose Locals.
- In the C/AL Locals window, on the Variables tab, enter the following variables, which you will use in the CalculateVendorDiscount test function.

Be sure to create these variables on the Variables tab, not on the Parameters tab. If you create them on the Parameters tab, then you get an error when you compile that says the test method signature is invalid
- In the C/AL Locals window, on the Text Constants tab, in the Name field, enter VendorDiscountError. In the ConstValue field, enter Vendor Discount Error - Line Amount: %1, Discount: %2, Discount Amount: %3.

- Close the C/AL Locals window and the C/AL Globals window.
- In the C/AL Editor, in the CalculateVendorDiscount function, enter the following code.

You can copy above code from below:
Discount := RANDOM(99) + 1; // Set Discount > 0, <= 100
// Find purchase line.
PurchaseLine.SETFILTER("Line Amount", '>0');
PurchaseLine.SETFILTER("Allow Invoice Disc.", '=%1', TRUE);
ERROR('No Purchase Line found for the Calculate Vendor Discount test');
// Create vendor discount.
WITH PurchaseLine DO BEGIN
IF NOT (VendorDiscount.GET("Buy-from Vendor No.", "Currency Code", "Line Amount")) THEN BEGIN
VendorDiscount.Code := "Buy-from Vendor No.";
VendorDiscount.VALIDATE("Currency Code","Currency Code");
VendorDiscount.VALIDATE("Minimum Amount","Line Amount");
VendorDiscount.VALIDATE("Discount %", Discount);
// Run codeunit "Purch.-Calc.Discount" for calculating discount.
PurchaseLine.GET(PurchaseLine."Document Type",PurchaseLine."Document No.",PurchaseLine."Line No.");
// Validate purchase discount amount
WITH PurchaseLine DO BEGIN
IF NOT (ROUND("Line Amount" * Discount / 100) = "Inv. Discount Amount") THEN
ERROR(VendorDiscountError, "Line Amount", Discount, "Inv. Discount Amount" );
The code in this test function prepares the test data by setting a random discount amount, getting a record from the Purchase Line table that satisfies two filters, and creating a record in the Vendor Invoice Disc. table with the random discount amount.
Next, it runs the Purch-Calc.Discount codeunit, which contains the code that is being tested. Finally, it validates the results of running the Purch-Calc.Discount codeunit and raises an error if the results are not as expected.
This test code does not guarantee that the state of the database after you run the test is the same as the state of the database before you run the test.
- On the File menu, choose Save.
- In the Save As window, in the ID field, enter ID. In the Name field, enter TestVendorDiscount. Verify that the Compiled check box is selected, and then choose the OK button.
Now create additional test functions in the TestVendorDiscount test codeunit to test other aspects of vendor discounts.
These test functions should include negative tests, which validate that the code being tested works as intended under failing conditions.
For more details See below posts:
Creating a Test Runner Codeunit
Adding a Test to a Test Runner Codeunit
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